Seabed mapping, or bathymetric mapping, charts ocean floor features using advanced technology. It supports scientific research, resource management, and infrastructure planning. Unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) enhance this process by providing fast, precise, and cost-effective data collection, especially in hard-to-reach areas, revolutionizing underwater exploration.
Underwater inspections are costly and risky, often yielding unclear data. SEABOTS offers an Inspection-as-a-Service solution, creating high-resolution 3D models with minimal post-processing. This reduces costs and risks while providing accurate data, accessible through an online platform with centimeter-level precision from anywhere in the world.
Seabots is a technology company offering marine insights through robotics and data analytics. Their solutions provide high-resolution 3D models via digital twins, reducing costs and risks in underwater inspections. These models support efficient decision-making and predictive analysis. Seabots’ Data Platform enables global access to precise information, applicable across sectors like wind farms, dam inspections, and fish farms.
GPASEABOTS, a GPAINNOVA‘s spin-off specializing in naval engineering and technologies applied to the exploration and preservation of the aquatic environment, closed last week its first course about marine robotics for people looking for professional development or a new career orientation. This inititive, carried out with the support of the Barcelona City Council within the program “Impulsem el que fas” (‘We Promote What You Do’), provided professional training to a dozen students from Barcelona City and its metropolitan area, with diverse profiles, who enrolled in this course for free.
Learning and training for employment
The goal of this course was to offer continuous learning and professional improvement to individuals with difficulties to integrate in the technological labor market, or to those who are currently making the move to a new career. The training consisted of 200 teaching hours —150 hours of teaching and 50 more hours of supervised practice—, during which the participants have been trained to operate with aquatic drones or unmanned surface vehicles (USVS) created by GPASEABOTS. The NGO Submón has also been involved, teaching a module of more than 80 hours on marine environmental protection.
The training has helped attendees to become familiar with the technologies for exploration and preservation of the marine environment, providing them with knowledge in robotics, programming and integrated technology in the GPASEABOTS drone platforms. They have also learned how to manage aquatic drones and how to plan missions for data acquisition, skills that they put into practice thanks to several field trips.
Multidisciplinary profiles
Concerning the students’ profile, 50% were professionals seeking career improvement opportunities. This percentage includes three attendees with experience in areas related to aquatic environments. The other half included unemployed people who had worked in other sectors, such as hospitality, customer service and tourism. All of them were able to learn more about robotics and drone technology.
In the participant selection, the enrollment of women was prioritized, since the course was linked to an area in which gender inequality is highly present. Upon completion, three women obtained the certificate of achievement.
This learning program has prepared students to work in technological environments related to robotics and drone technology, as well as in areas of environmental preservation and awareness. All the students have been accompanied by the team in charge of People at GPASEABOTS, who has provided them with individualized follow-up support and employment orientation. The student profiles will be part of the company’s database to cover future vacancies. In addition, they will be recommended and promoted in the specialized portals with which the company collaborates.
Founded in 2019 as a spin-off of the technology platform GPAINNOVA, GPASEABOTS focuses its activity on the creation of solutions based on marine robotics, such as smart microplastic-capturing buoys and SUVs. The company has received the Sustainability Award at the 2019 Fuera de Serie Design and Innovation Awards and the 2nd prize at the Nautic Tech International Investment Forum. Since 2021, it counts on the Innovative SME seal from the Ministry of Science and Innovation.